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Posts Tagged ‘collapses’

Top High School Basketball Prospect Collapses After Judge Gives Him 3 Years In Prison (Video)

Very, very sad situation all around. Tony Farmer, Garfield Heights High School basketball star, collapsed in court upon hearing Judge Pamela Barker pronounce sentencing that will take from him every opportunity afforded him by his on-court talent due to his violent acts off-court. His liberty and future at stake, Farmer’s assault victim and ex-girlfriend (Andrea Lane) was among those who pleaded that the judge not send him to jail; rather, that he be sent for help and counseling. We won’t retry the case in any way in this post. That is being done enough elsewhere. What is done is done. While it probably will not be headline news, Farmer will likely petition for early release after serving 180 days. Whether he should be released after 180 days, is a matter we will leave for you to debate. What we are most interested in is whether Farmer will be made to go to counseling once he is released. That much we KNOW he needs; as even he seemed surprised that his crime warranted a three-year sentence. Farmer must know (or learn) that his actions were inexcusable; whether he is down for 6 months or 36 months.
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