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Posts Tagged ‘drifting’

Illegal Street Drifting in Saudi Arabia (Documentary)

Illegal drifting on public streets has achieved cult status in Saudi Arabia by now. At the same time, car accidents are one of the main causes of death there, especially among young people. The problem is so massive that the Saudi government is implementing extra hard punishments for drifting on public streets. But there are alternatives. Professional drivers have started academies, and in doing so are trying to make drifting a professional sport.

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Don’t Hate Player, Just Get Your Own Adult ‘Big Wheel’ (Video)

Maaaannnn tell me you wouldn’t be dusting fools and shining (or at least Tokyo drifting your a$$ off) on one of these big boy toys. And before you judge, check your standards with respect to bike gangs nowadays… while I go get my ridin’ gear!


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Lamborghini Winter Academia 2015 (Video)

What. What’s the big deal. Just drifting… on a snow drift… in a LAMBO!!! Ultimate driving experience, and we have a clip of that for you right here.

From Aspen to Nagano and Livigno. The Lamborghini Winter Driving Academy is the pure adrenaline of testing up to 700 hp on snow and ice with the Huracán.

You want some of this? All you gotta do is join Lamborghini Accademia (see

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