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Posts Tagged ‘bullet-proof’

Want Your Own Bulletproof Combat Helmet? British Special Forces Are Checking Them Out Now (Video)

Okay, I am more a Star Trek fan than a Star Wars fanatic. But they had me at “looks like Boba Fett’s helmet.” However, they probably got a few more with the whole now-soldiers’-heads-can-be-bulletproof-too thing. Check it out.

British special forces are testing DEVTAC’s Ronin helmet. It’s being compared to the Boba Fett mask from “Star Wars,” but what this thing can do is crazier than fiction. You can order one from their website.
– Tech Inside


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Joel McHale With Vodka, Guns And A Bulletproof Suit… ACTION (Video)

Bahaaaha! Remember that writeup from a while back on bulletproof clothing (here)? Maybe? Well, you definitely won’t forget this hilarious spin sitcom and talk show cutup Joel McHale puts on the fashion forward choice in attire… and his chosen beverage.

My journeys have brought me here: A strange land the locals call Canada. Where the people are polite, the bacon is round, and the menswear… is bulletproof.

And shout out to nanotechnology (the geek in me gets geeked) in the suits!

Alright let’s go to the gun range and blast the sh!t out of this thing!

And have a drink afterward. Alcohol and guns. Yeah, that’ll work out fine. Watch and be amused… and a little afraid.


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Husband and Wife Fashion Moguls Develop Fully Functional ‘Bullet-Proof Clothing’ (Video)

Check out the husband and wife fashion moguls who are taking functional clothing to the next level. It’s all the rage among politicians and celebs like Steven Seagal.

In Bogota, Colombia, there’s a new clothing line popular among the rich and famous. It’s haute couture–and bullet-proof!

Just another example of why I stay watching Science Channel!



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