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Posts Tagged ‘Tech Insider’

Elon Musk Is An Economic Advisor To President Trump? He’s Got Some Explaining (And Tweeting) To Do! [Video]

Well… real-life Tony Stark could very well have a point. We will see in short order if The Donald listens or says, “Elon Musk, you’re fired.”

Last December, Elon Musk joined Trump’s economic advisory council. But in light of all that has happened within Trump’s first two weeks in office, Musk’s new position has come under fire by some of Musk’s fans. So, on Super Bowl Sunday Musk took to Twitter to answer followers’ questions about everything from Tesla to Trump.
– Tech Insider

(That’s some quirked-out music though. Doesn’t help. Haha!)


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Does Listening To A Certain Type Of Music While You Work Make You More Productive? (Video)

You know that mode that the right kind of music puts you in? Not that ‘mode’ with your mate (that’s more of a ‘mood’ anyway). Talking about ‘do work’ mode! Well, if you do, Dr. Levitin says you are fooling yourself. Better to get an earful of the ‘sounds of silence’ if you actually want to get some work done. Watch the quick clip above.

Daniel J. Levitin, a cognitive psychologist at McGill University and author of “A Field Guide to Lies: Critical Thinking in the Information Age,” explains the relation between listening to music and work-efficiency.


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Your Plane Might Get Struck By Lightning! It Happens More Often Than You Think (Video)

Welcome back to the work-week, Americans. Did you enjoy the holiday? Did you travel…by airplane? If you did, what are the chances it got struck by lightning? Probably a lot higher than you think! Peep the science.

Although the idea of your next flight being struck by lightning may be terrifying, it’s actually pretty common. Every airplane is stuck by lightning about once a year. The lights may flicker, but thanks to some smart engineering, the danger is low.
– Tech Insider


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How Do ‘Real’ Doctors Feel About Chiropractors? (Video)

Aha! Thought the doc was gonna take shots or throw shade, huh? Actually, there is something very much aligned (get it?) with Hip-Hop culture in what the doc expresses about chiropractors’ place in the spine care spectrum: As long as (1) you are seeing a TRAINED PROFESSIONAL that is (2) providing VALUE and/or relief, it’s all good. In the lingo, if they have nice skills and delivery it’s all good!

NYU Langone Spine Center Co-Director Dr. Anthony Frempong-Boadu sat down with Tech Insider to talk about spine health, and gave his honest opinion about working with chiropractors. As with choosing any doctor, it’s smart to do your research and find someone who can truly help you.


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BMW’s Motorrad Looks Like Batman’s Motorcycle (Video)

Sort of like the cycle in the Batman movies. Although that self-balancing function probably cannot ‘guarantee’ no crashes. There are some crazy riders out there that might put that feature to the ultimate test if & when this cycle comes out. Pretty sweet looking toy though.

BMW has released their next concept vehicle in the Vision 100 series, and it’s a motorcycle. The Motorrad is sleek, self-balances and comes with augmented reality goggles.


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Reading Body Language: A Quick Guide (Video)

Maybe this will help folks understand why I tell them, “I need to straighten my glasses so I can see what you are saying.” The rest of your body speaks as much as your mouth does in ways that count.

Personal interactions with others are often draped in nuance. Here are some ways to read the unspoken things people say with their bodies.
– Tech Insider

Scientists, law enforcement, the intelligence community, your parents, your significant other… they all know. Get this knowledge. Learn something about reading people, people. And maybe understand how people are reading you!


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Science: Can Anything Move Faster Than The Speed Of Light? (Video)

Duuuude! Prepare to make the jump to light speed… and beyond! Just the other day, a Star Trek: The Next Generation marathon ep made mention of tachyon particles. Them shiz is REAL??? Well, kinda. The concept of tachyons existing exists… in science. And nerds (like me) see it on Star Trek, and get worked up about. Uh oh…Here we go. I’ve said it to others, and now I will say it again here: If you want a fantasy to become a reality, get the geeks excited about it!

When Albert Einstein said that nothing travels faster than the speed of light, he didn’t talk about objects that could already be traveling faster than light. This is a mind-boggling idea that some physicists have explored over the years, and they call these hypothetical particles tachyons.

We recently spoke with Columbia University theoretical physicist Brian Greene about these faster-than-light particles. Here’s what he had to say on the matter.

– Tech Insider

One day. Maybe one day, this will be a real conversation. Remember that thing a Yeoman would always bring the Captain on Star Trek to sign-off on? Tell me that wasn’t fictional model for iPad and tablet technology! Only thing is in this case, we won’t be “inventing” tachyons as much as discovering them.

But you gotta know a thing might exist to start looking for it, right? Dope science!


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Technology: Google Maps ‘Timeline’ Setting Tracks Your Every Move (Video)

“When turned on” huh… and you can just ‘turn it off’ huh? Yeah, right. THIS is why I am not cracking when y’all crack on my ‘dumb phone’ though. Mind your biz, Google, not mine! No ‘Timeline’ on me. Thiz shiz right here…

There’s a setting in your Google account, which — when turned on — creates a record of everywhere you go and when you went there. It’s intended to make your Google Maps experience more useful, like providing a faster commute to work or home. In 2015, the company also started rolling out another feature called “Timeline,” which lets you easily view this information on a private, customizable map of your every move. Here’s how to access it and turn it off in case it creeps you out.
– Tech Insider

Ha! ‘Private’ or not (read: not), Google can (read: is) generating a “customizable map of your every move.” Yeeeeaaah, um, I know where I’ve been. I’m cool, Google. But thanks for offering. File this under ‘just because you can do a thing does not mean you should.’


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Neil deGrasse Tyson Speaks On How Politicians ‘Cherry-Pick’ What They Want From Science (Video)

Come here kids politicians. Uncle Neil is NOT happy with you. Stop abusing the science. Matter of fact, if you aren’t gonna use it right, DON’T TOUCH IT!

Science is often the topic of heated debates between politicians, but Neil deGrasse Tyson really dislikes it when politicians do this one thing when it comes to science.


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Danish Travel Agency Promotes Getting Into The Babymaking Business (Video)

Hahaaa! Hey JayForce, you got friends over in Denmark, right? Why the f*ck aren’t they f*cking enough? Tell ’em to get to “work.” They got grandmas’ that need new babies on those knees over there (flashing back to my parents wanting to be grandparents back in the day…badly…shout to my brothers for handling the Jones babymaking biz)!

Denmark is struggling to keep their population at 5.6 million. The biggest cause for the decline: young couples aren’t having babies. One Danish travel agency, Spies Rejser, is urging young couples to go on vacation, where the chances of conceiving are higher.

Bottom line: Denmark dudes, take your lady on a vacay, and make a ‘babay’ (good for business AND pleasure)!


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Nissan BladeGlider (Video)

Don’t tell me that tech is wimpy or that futurism is ‘nerdy.’ Well, you can but eff what you say… I will be too busy riding out in my sick futuristic whip, the BladeGlider!

Nissan has introduced its idea of the future of sports cars. The Nissan BladeGlider is impossibly thin, because only the driver’s seat is in front. The new design is much more aerodynamic, and the electric engine gives off zero emissions.
– Tech Insider

Dope AND great for the environment. Science!


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Cornell University’s Dr. Alan Hedge Takes A Firm Stance On How You Should Sit (Video)

All these years, we are thinking that the best seated posture was feet flat on the ground, back straight at 90 degrees (perpendicular) to the chair base. Naaaaah, son! That not the science…

There’s a lot of false information about the proper posture you need to use when sitting at a desk. Cornell University ergonomics professor Dr. Alan Hedge sets out why the 90Ëš rule does more damage than good, and what the proper way to sit at your desk is.

Seems like office chairs, just like those outside work, are for chillin’ (like in Altwork’s The Station, which we posted on here). That makes for a productive worker.


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How To Rid Your Mouth Of Morning Breath (Video)

See what you get for free. Sure I am out here looking for the models for you, trying to get y’all woke on poli-sci (politics) and sci-fi (science fiction, that may well be science FACT soon enough)… yeah, all that. But know for some practical science. Science you can apply to daily life. Applied science is what physics is. And to think, I did not do well in physics in school. But I got this ‘physics’ lesson for you right here.

Everyone experiences morning breath now and again, it’s a fact of life. But if some mornings you find that your breath is so bad that you’re scaring your pets, maybe you should take some advice from ear, nose, and throat specialist, Dr. Erich Voigt.
– Tech Insider

Watch now. Slay that ‘dragon breath’ homie. Some things mints can’t kill. Haaaaa!


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Science: The Sun Isn’t Actually Yellow (Video)

Okay, if the sun is a star, and all the other stars we see are white, why is the sun yellow. Because… it’s NOT! Peep the science. Then (deep breath) somebody’s gotta tell Superman.

Think about the color of the sun. You thought “yellow” right? Well, the physics of light is playing a little trick on you. It all depends on where you are.
– Tech Insider


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Why Must You Put Your Phone On ‘Airplane Mode’ When Flying? (Video)

Airlines say the darndest things: Like, you “have to put your phone on ‘Airplane Mode’ on flights?” Supposedly, it’s because active cell phones could interfere with the plane’s navigation equipment. But that’s not the real reason why your phone has to be on ‘Airplane Mode.’

Okay, Tech Insider. What’s the real story?


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Classic Beauty: Defined By Each Culture (Video)

We have known all along that ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder.’ But consider that our judgments about whom is beautiful is based in the beholder’s ethnicity.

Photographer and photojournalist Natalia Ivanova has begun an ambitious project she calls “The Ethnic Origins of Beauty,” or Les origines de la beauté. She seeks out the ideal natural beauty that symbolizes every ethnicity, and photographs them in an identical position. The 100s of photos she has taken show the wide diversity that humans consider to be the classic beauty.

So this project pretty much makes it plain: What I (and people with whom I share ethnic background) have a different point of view when it comes to judging beauty. The Eye Candy posted here might be drastically different if someone from another culture starts selecting the Honeyz. How about that.


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How Can You Tell If Someone Is Lying? (Video)

Okay. This is FASCINATING! Being able to divine the truth, or at least determine when someone is lying is the stuff of great spy stories, war movies, epic action-dramas, even sci-fi/superhero blockbusters… Captain America and the Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. could have certainly used a lot more of lie spotting early on in “The Winter Soldier” right?

(By the way, if you haven’t already, you reeeeally should check out the BEST MARVEL UNIVERSE FILM TO DATE – “Captain America: The Winter Soldier.”)

Deception can destroy confidence. Pamela Myer, the author of “Liespotting: Proven Techniques to Detect Deception” and one of the most popular Ted Talks of all time, has made a career developing interview techniques and identifying verbal and non-verbal cues a person trying to lie to you might exhibit.

But let’s bring this skill back down to Earth. Consider how your parents (or you readers who are parents) utilize lie spotting day-to-day. How does a mom know when her child is lying about where she was this afternoon? How does pops already know about those scratches on the car door did NOT just ‘happen at the supermarket’? Or let’s get real-life: How can an investigator know if a person of interest is telling the truth or not… or how might a spy counter lie spotting techniques?

Or to get really real… How will you determine whether the candidates are answering truthfully during the U.S. Presidential Debate?

(Tonight at 9PM EST. I’ll be watching on PBS – available on TV or online here.)


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A Party Yacht With Its Own Private Beach… On Board! (Video)

This shizz iz craZy! Know how they say don’t bring sand to the beach – like not bringing a date because it will ruin your hump-around chances? Well, imagine bringing this monster baller boat around… where you are not bringing sand to the beach… you are bringing a yacht near shore… and the yacht has its own damn beach! WHAT!

(All good until Jaws comes through to ‘belly up to the beach’ for some human hors d’oeuvres. Hahaaaa! Just listen for the horror scene music and you’ll be a’ight… you tough, right?)

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What Happens After A Bullet Is Fired Straight Up (Video)

Straight up. The question of whether or not firing bullets into the air is harmless is one worth answering, especially with the occasions we have for revelers to pop that kind of firework on holidays. Well, most of us did not actually need a video to tell us but… if you are or aren’t sure, watch.

By the way, on this whole gun rights and gun control discussion: RESPONSIBILITY is part of it. Obey our laws! Beyond that, discussion of what criminals may or may not do is noise. For those who have the guns lawfully, though, responsibility is a MUST! Buy and use fireworks properly (or go to a ‘show’) if you just want to hear loud pop-pop-pop. Better yet, take in a movie. Rent “Heat” and watch Deniro and Pacino ‘n’em let them thangs go! Nobody gets hurt. But if you point and shoot in the air, chances are someone could.

(That music though. Whyyyyy?)


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NASA Puts Its Money Where It’s Satellite Is: Burning Up A Billion-Dollar Probe To Protect Alien Life (Video)

Once again, Star Trek gives science the blueprint. Remember the Prime Directive (prohibiting Starfleet personnel from interfering with the internal development of alien civilizations? Well, NASA is following that in purest form and intention!

NASA’s Juno probe successfully began orbiting Jupiter on July 4. The spacecraft has 37 orbits to go before it burns up on purpose — to protect potential aliens.

Holy self-destruct, NASA! We don’t even want to risk exposing any potential alien life to our Earth germs. And before you grumble about that being billion-dollar overkill, Google how ill the Native Americans got shortly after being ‘exposed’ to European explorers ALIENS waaaaay before Star Trek.

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